Sunday, May 31, 2009

pocamon other features

POCAMON other features....

hi, we met again...i mean we talk we are going to talk about the sex... sex means is male and female....but pocamon don't say male is ' boy' and female as ' girl' ...they say mel as 'boy' and famel as 'girl'.

in here we say MR and MRS , but they say 'POKI' replace MR and 'POCI' replace MRS..... well , they call a pokid as a child and a pocao as an old man or lady...well enough talking, BYE BYE!

Friday, May 29, 2009

poca planet

HI ! want to know more about poca planet...?ok, the poca planet is like a earth, but is smaller than the earth......i do not have the map of poca planet , but some day i will give you see it..... but not the poca planet , the pocamons wound harm it , they care the trees and the animals there , use recycling bag to put they grocery, even the shops was clean and nice !i wish we have a planet like this......well, that enough of talking about the planet... Bye!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

pocamon new club

strawberry club

Hi !welcome to the POCAMON new CLUB! the club named STRAWBERRY CLUB!!!!
if you want to be a club member, just send your name ,age ,school address, house address and your photo to my email at,and you be a member of this club! in this club , you can send some story to me.... and send some own story(happen in your live) .WIsh that you can join this club.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Check this out!!!!

hi, we meet again! Do you like "Aliens"? i bet you do ..... you can go to'' if you like aliens.

i love dolphins,do you ? well you can also go to '' it even got dolphin and orca video!!!!! quick and go to these website!!! now!oh and BYE!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

about pocamon

HI! my name is Lai Han Ming , and welcome you to my new website...... Have you all heard of "POCAMON" I think you've never heard it before....cause is my new creation...... pocamon is a cute ,small,raindrop like- monster..... it lives in in a small country far far a way form earth long ago. but the people in the country abuse the pocamon so they want to leave the county , but the country headman said:"if you want to live the country, you have to win a war between you and me...." the pocamons agreed . After one year, the war stop. And you know who win? is the pocamon!! the decided to leaved the country and live in and another planet, and they all call the planet "POCA PLANET" . Do you like the story? send a commet to me if you want .Bye!